Profitably and sustainably

combat climate change

and ensure food security

for generations to come

About Us

CascadiaSeaweed, founded in 2019, has grown to be the largest vertically-integrated ocean seaweed cultivator and processor in Canada in partnership with coastal First Nations. We grow seaweed on low-impact ocean farms and use bioprocessing technology to produce agricultural products, addressing climate change and food security. 

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Cascadia Plant Health

Liquid seaweed extracts and biostimulants

for land-based crop farmers.

Crop farmers who use our biostimulants will see faster seed germination, stronger root development, improved nutrient uptake and greater abiotic stress resistance while reducing synthetic fertilizer and water inputs.

The Global Biostimulants market is $3.5B with seaweed making up 33%, or $1.15B p.a. and a 14% CAGR.

Cascadia Animal Health

Feed supplements

for beef and dairy cattle farmers.

Beef and dairy farmers who use our feed supplements will see improved feed conversion to meat or milk, and based on our pre-pubished results, will see increased daily growth rates and a reduction in methane emissions from burps.

The current US cattle feed market is US $72 B p.a., while the cattle additives market is US $2.7B p.a.

The world needs regenerative agricultural products.

Cascadia Seaweed is uniquely positioned to address large global challenges using biological solutions to increase food production, mitigate climate change, improve ocean ecosystems and advance Indigenous reconciliation.

Unlike other producers, Cascadia grows multiple species of net-new seaweed, has a proven ability to cultivate at scale and the scientific expertise for additional biodiscovery. In our trials, we are using microbiology to elicit specific responses in animals and plants as we produce application-specific biostiumlants and cattle feed supplements matching known market needs with the bioactive compounds in seaweeds.

Join the seaweed revolution

by investing in Cascadia Seaweed.

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